Shop RC


Shop Remote Control Cars, Boats, Planes, Helicopters, Multirotor Drones, Tools, Parts, Batteries & Accessories.
I will link products I own, would like to own and ones I have been asked to link.
Like most things in my life, this is a work in progress and probably will remain so until the day I die.

Companies interested in setting up my discount code “KTFG” contact me here: Contact Page

Using the affiliate links and banners may earn me a small commission at no extra cost to you while helping support this website and YouTube channel. Thanks for your support!

Help us get to 100K YouTube Subscribers! Click Here
Be sure to follow me on Social Media for Announcements & Giveaways:
*Soon to have another giveaway with the next tutorial.*


Want to help support the channel and website? You can with a small donation via Paypal and by using the affiliate links and banners which earns me a small commission at no extra cost to you while helping support this website and YouTube channel.

If any questions regarding a project or tutorial, ask in the Comment Section of the web post or YouTube video, not by email. That way the answer can help many people with the same question.