Shop Knives


Knife Shop Page listing Knives, Knife Maintenance Tools, Knife Parts and Accessories including Knife Storage and Knife Display Cases.

I will eventually link all the knives and Knife Maintenance Tools that I own, plan to own and would like to own but never will.

Companies interested in setting up my discount code “KTFG” contact me here: Contact Page

Using the affiliate links and banners may earn me a small commission at no extra cost to you while helping support this website and YouTube channel. Thanks for your support!

Replace this photo with knife collection layout wide

RSK MK1 G2 Jade G10

Youtube Knive Video Playlists:
Knife Tuning
Knife Maintenance
Knife Disassembly
Knife Modifications

Travis , test these:
Bradley Kimura Butterfly Balisong Knife Natural Jade G-10 (3.9″ Bead Blast)
Blade HQ:

Boker Plus Mini Balisong Trainer Blue G-10 (3.25″ Satin) 
Blade HQ:

Edit, I did not get credit for either purchase. Try this one below next.
Boker Plus Balisong G-10 Small Butterfly Knife (3.2″ Satin)
Blade HQ:

-Elevator Man ANDREW-

Andrew, I need to test out this new affiliate. Click on this Blade HQ banner and buy something. Check the sales.

Blade HQ Affiliate Link Buy Here

Blade HQ Knives

Edit: The banner ad worked and I got credit of a purchase

GP Knives Affiliate Link Buy Here

Knives I Own

(Under construction, links will be added)

Hogue Knives

Shop Hogue Knives at:
Blade HQ:
GP Knives:

All 4 Doug Ritter RSK MK1-G2 & Mini RSK video
Doug Ritter RSK MK1-G2  Jade G10 / Stonewashed – Knifeworks Exclusive
Doug Ritter Mini-RSK MK1-G2  Jade G10 / Stonewashed – Knifeworks Exclusive
Doug Ritter RSK MK1-G2 G-Mascus Purple G10 / Stonewashed – Knifeworks Exclusive
Doug Ritter Mini-RSK MK1-G2 G-Mascus Blue G-10 / Stonewashed – Knifeworks Exclusive

Benchmade Knives

Spyderco Knives

Boker Knives

Kershaw Knives

SOG Knives

CRKT Knives

SOG Knives

Schrade Knives

Cold Steel Knives

Ka-Bar Knives

Gerber Knives

Buck Knives

Leatherman Knives

Victorinox Swiss Army Knives

By Knife Type

Button Lock




Knives I would like to own and willing to barter for

Yes, all you people emailing me about building portable magnetic shelves, crosshead boards, variable power supplies and semiconductor testers – “Show me the Money” or rather show me the knives. I am willing to barter.

Microtech Knives

Pro-Tech Knives

Zero Tolerance (ZT) Knives

Knife Disassembly & Maintenance Tools

Knife Lubrication

Knife Storage and Display Cases

Small Hard Case (Balisongs, etc.) 7.5” x 6.7” x 2.4”:


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Be sure to follow me on Social Media for Announcements & Giveaways:
*Soon to have another giveaway with the next tutorial.*


Want to help support the channel and website? You can with a small donation via Paypal and by using the affiliate links and banners which earns me a small commission at no extra cost to you while helping support this website and YouTube channel.

If any questions regarding a project or tutorial, ask in the Comment Section of the web post or YouTube video, not by email. That way the answer can help many people with the same question.

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