Magnetic Crosshead Work Boards

Page 2: Photos, Read More, Receipt List & FAQ

Page 1: Overview, Material List & Instructions
Page 2: Photos, Read More, FAQ & Recipient List

Most of the products, tools & material seen on my website and YouTube channel can be found on my Elevator Shop Page


The boards can be used flat side up, recessed side or or combination of both.

Crosshead Work Board

Maxpedition Gearslinger bag:
While I own and recommend the Remora I also use this less expensive backup which has reasonable quality: 
What’s in the bag? click here

Q – Why a photo of two large pipe wrenches on top of a traction elevator?
A – You’ll have to keep wondering.

Crosshead Work Board

I came up with a workaround to get a QR code to my website without a monthly fee.
Click, cancel & return to KTFG.

Olympia Tools Folding Cart:

A co-worker uses the Veto Pro Pac MB Tool Pouch: and loves it. I own one and while I like it I prefer the Maxpedition Gearslinger bag:

Read More

Knipex or Gedore Plier Wrench?
What are the differences and when do you prefer comfort grip handle?
Full discussion coming soon but right now I can tell you I want one of these 4″ Mini Plier Wrench XS. A co-worker (E.K.) has the 5″ Mini Plier Wrench and loves em.

Knipex Tool Store:

EDIT 2022_05_13
I said I wouldn’t do this anymore!
I’m a sucker for a pouch!

I said I wouldn’t do this anymore, I’m a sucker for a pouch!

I was just going to buy Knipex Pliers Wrench XS but every time I clicked on it to buy, the price changed from $59.00 to $82.78 which is about $40 more than I want to pay and $13.78 more than I’m willing to pay.

So while searching for another seller I saw the combo with pouch and then another, the rest was a blur. Next thing I know, I have a notification about delivery. I’ll have a wait though, one delivery is coming from Germany.

Knipex 00-20-72-V04 XS Pliers Belt Pouch Set:
Knipex 00 20 72 V01 Mini pliers Set in belt tool pouch:

EDIT: 2022_05_28
Seeing how the Knipex 86-04-100 Pliers Wrench XS by itself sells for more than Mini XS Pliers Belt Pouch Set, I decided to buy another set (I know, I have fallen off the wagon).
Apparently I got a great deal at $88.65 because now they are $131 which is roughly the same price everywhere else but more than I am currently willing to spend.

Knipex Pliers Wrench XS Set

Cartop Boxes

Cartop Boxes Read more, more content and pics coming soon.
Sneak Peek here

What’s in the Bag?

What’s in the Maxpedition Tool Bag? My service call bag has enough tools to handle over 90% of the problems I will encounter (that can be fixed with tools).
Fluke mini pocket meter, Alan wrenches, Mini flat bar, multi screwdriver etc. full list here.
Why? Because it’s crossbody hands free.

Fluke Mini Pocket Meter:
Maxpedition Bag:
Veto Pro Pack MC:

I use my Veto Pro Pack MC when I know I am going to be doing real scheduled work.

List of Serial Numbers & Recipients

Serial NumberBoardEtchingsRecipient
KTFG_001 Gray DexasSN, Site, Logo, NameFabian Bravo
KTFG_002White MainstaysAndrew Sauer
KTFG_003White MainstaysAndrew Sauer
KTFG_004White MainstaysAndrew Sauer
KTFG_005White MainstaysSN, Site, Logo, NameFabian Bravo
KTFG_006Gray DexasSN, Site, Logo, Name, QRFabian Bravo
KTFG_007White MainstaysSN, Site, Logo, NameFabian Bravo
KTFG_008Blue DexasSN, Site, Logo, InitialsTravis Hutcherson
KTFG_009Blue DexasSN, Site, Logo, InitialsTravis Hutcherson
KTFG_010Red DexasSN, Site, LogoK. Gittemeier
KTFG_011Red DexasSN, Site, LogoK. Gittemeier
KTFG_012White MainstaysSN, Site, Logo, NameFabian Bravo
KTFG_013White MainstaysSN, Site
KTFG_014White MainstaysSN, Site, QR
KTFG_015Yellow DexasSN, Site, Logo
KTFG_016Yellow DexasSN, Site, LogoEric King
KTFG_017Red DexasSN, Site, LogoDanny Moon
KTFG_018Red DexasSN, Site, LogoDanny Moon
KTFG_019Yellow DexasSN, Site, LogoEric King

Portable Magnetic Laptop Shelf Recipient List: here


General FAQ
Q – Do you sell these, can I buy one from you?
A – Yes & no. I don’t build items with the intent to sell them. Sometimes as I am fine tuning an invention I will sell off variations to mitigate my monetary losses. Notice I said “mitigate losses” not maximize profits. In some inventions a lot of material is purchased in R&D to see which works best. Those are loses I will not recoup, I have never broke even selling off variations. This particular item is so simple anyone can build it easily for under $20 with no trial and error. If someone wants one from me its $25 each (not including etchings) and I don’t ship bc it’s cost prohibitive. That pretty much limits it to co-workers & local members who want them really bad and either swipe their company credit card or expense it as a “specialty work tool”.

Q – Can I use a different cutting board?
A – Yes but keep in mind that you may need a different size magnet so it’s not too short or tall.

– Why 19/64 hole for 5/16 magnet?
A – Because we are going to press fit, no need for glue.

Q – Why taper one side?
A – So the press fit starts easier. It’s not absolutely necessary but do it.

Q – Why a photo of two large pipe wrenches on top of a traction elevator?
A – You’ll have to keep wondering.

Real questions and conversations.
Q – Not to criticize your invention but what if one board isn’t long enough?
A – I use two boards side by side.
Q – What if that won’t work for me? I fillet fish longer than that board.
A – It’s not for you, it’s for me & why are you on top of an elevator with a fish? This if for elevator work, what part of that confuses you?
Q – Well I might be interested in one if it were long enough for my fish.
A – Well get whatever size board you need and build one from my instructions. I don’t run a store and this isn’t Burger King “have it your way”, what part of that is confusing?
Q – WELL… I don’t like it, it won’t work to hold chain falls will it?
A – It’s not meant to hold chain falls, I have Crosshead Boxes for that. Are you ok, do you need medical attention because something is clearly wrong cognitively?

Q – Can you use a different fancier board so it doesn’t look homemade and simple?
A – It should be understood without me stating that you can use whatever you like to build your own. I specifically chose this material because it’s light weight, inexpensive, durable, readily available and suites the task perfectly. Please feel free to send me photos of your masterworks and I will post them on my website and credit you.

Q – Will you build me one for free? I can’t be bothered to take the time get material & build.
A – Will you cut my grass for free? I can’t be bothered to take the time….

Q – Will you text me a link to the material I need?
A – It’s on my website.
Q – I can’t be bothered to look for it, can you just take the time to text it?
A – I took the time to post in on my website, that is the extent of my labor which you will receive for free.

I may start adding FAQ and real conversations to each post because they are getting more ridiculous and hilarious as the years go by. The fast pace of the internet in your pocket and social media is re-wiring peoples brain to just blurt out things confidently and as quickly as possible with little to no thought.

I am also going to add a quote of the day to each post. I have some gems here
“The problem with the world is that intelligent people are full of doubts, while stupid people are full of confidence.”

The Dunning-Kruger Effect “Mount Stupid” YouTube Video
Why is Company Management Always Terrible? YouTube Video
Unrelated but I will make a full post on the adverse consequences of Dilberts and such.

Xhead Work Board Build [KTFG 403]:
Xhead Work Board Red [KTFG 404] :
Xhead Work Board Blue [KTFG 405]:
Xhead Work Board Gray [KTFG 406]:

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*Soon to have another giveaway with the next tutorial.*


Want to help support the channel and website? You can with a small donation via Paypal and by using the affiliate links and banners which earns me a small commission at no extra cost to you while helping support this website and YouTube channel.

If any questions regarding a project or tutorial, ask in the Comment Section of the web post or YouTube video, not by email. That way the answer can help many people with the same question.

Pages: 1 2


  1. William on May 23, 2022 at 9:33 pm

    These look very functional and I’ll have to give them a shot after I try the laptop shelf first. I noticed the Maxpedition bag and was just curious what you use it for/carry in it? I have a few of their bags for personal use but never considered carrying tools in them. Very tempted to add one to my personal system. Thanks for putting this up!

    • Kevin Gittemeier on May 23, 2022 at 10:03 pm

      Full post coming soon but some tools for when I don’t plan on needing any tools but will have enough tools to handle 90% of the problems I will encounter.
      Fluke mini pocket meter, Alan wrenches, Miniflat bar, multi screwdriver etc. (will put full list tmrw and maybe some pics).
      I like it because it’s crossbody hands free. I tried some other smaller ones for tools but like this better.

      I put links to some of the tools like the mini fluke pocket meter on page 2 of the post.
      Will add more.

      So much to do, so little time.

      Good luck on the shelf but make sure to get the exact folding brackets and magnets I recommend for best results.

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