How To Solve 2×2 Rubik’s Cube: So Easy a 3 Year Old Can Do It! Easy Beginner Step by Step Tutorial

Rubik's cube 2x2
Step by Step Video Tutorial

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3 Year Old Beginner Method to Solve the Rubik’s cube 2×2 Tutorial. This is our version that combines standard Beginner and Intermediate Layer by Layer Methods of solving the Rubik’s cube made easier by utilizing critical thinking and intuition in place of following long chains of sequences, very little memorization is necessary.

In this video we will learn an easy Beginner Method to solve the Rubik’s cube 2×2 in 3 easy Steps. This is the same method that Emily used to solve the 2×2 Rubik’s cube when she was 3 years old (Video)

For Lack of a better name we will call this the “3 Year Old Beginner Method” 3y/o Beginner Method for short. #3yoBeginnerMethod

How To Solve Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Step by Step Instructional Video Tutorial with Full Explanation

2×2 3y/o BM

The 2×2 Rubik’s Cube Instructions below are meant as a supplement and reference for the full tutorial video above. Without watching the video, the instructions may be difficult to follow at some points. (I plan to update so this post can stand alone as instructions and PDFs but will take some time due to graphics & images needed)

I believe this is the easiest method to learn to solve the Rubik’s Cube 2×2 because we use the same simple 3yo Beginner Method that we use for the 3×3 Cube but with only 3 steps and 2 easy algorithms.

Website of the Iconic Rubik’s Cube

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The following Cubes listed were all purchased in full for this video. If you intend to make a purchase from Amazon please consider making it though one of our Affiliate Links below as that helps subsidize the cost of the products we use and will help allow us to make more tutorials.

2×2 Rubik’s Speed Cube (Gan RSC) *don’t get the regular Rubik’s 2×2!

MF2C 2×2 Cube (Budget Speed Cube)

MF3RS 3×3 (Budget Speed Cube) Used as 2×2 Trainer Cubes

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With over 3 million possible combinations, the 2×2 Cube can be deceivingly difficult to solve until you learn how.  Once you learn to solve the 2×2 with this 3yo Beginner Method it’s easy to transition into more Advanced Methods to get faster which we will go in the future. (3,674,160 possible combinations) 

From Wikipedia

We will be using thr same 3yo Beginner Method we use to solve the 3×3. If you haven’t seen our 3×3 Beginner tutorial I recommend you do that first but it’s not absolutely necessary.

How To Solve 3×3 Rubik’s Cube: So Easy a 3 Year Old Can Do It (Full Tutorial)

Solve Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Intermediate Method

After learning to solve the 2×2 Cube with Beginner Method many want to learn how to solve it faster. This Intermediate method goes over all the 2 Look OLLs and PLLs demonstrated on both the 3×3 and 2×2 Cubes. 2×2 IM

Understanding the Rubik’s Cube 2×2  

First, we need to understand that a 2×2 Cube is just a 3×3 without the Center and Edge pieces. It’s just the Corners of a 3×3 which makes it much simpler in most regards. 

Buy Rubik’s Speed Cube

Like a 3×3, a 2×2 Cube has 6 sides of different colors but unlike a 3×3 the color of the sides are not determined by Center pieces. For the most part the colors are *standardized with the Yellow opposite White, Blue opposite Green and Orange opposite Red.  This is important for familiarity and recognition.  *(BOGR) Blue, Orange, Green, Red


Here we have a disassembled 2 Cube, this is the Core and 8 Corner pieces. Each Corner has 3 Colors. (Show removed corner pieces tossed onto table like in 3×3 vid)

Disassembled 2×2 Cube

Overview of Layer by Layer Method to Solve 2×2 Cube

To solve the 2×2 Rubik’s Cube we are going to use the same Layer by Layer Method we use for the 3×3…  minus middle layer. For simplicity and familiarity we will make Yellow the Top which will make the Bottom White. 

Layer by Layer Beginner Method to Solve 2×2 Cube

First we will solve the First Layer, the Bottom Layer. Its important to notice this isn’t just one side or Face solved but the entire Face and the 4 sides of the Layer.

Build the White Bottom Layer of 2×2 Cube

On the far right we have the White Face solved and the sides of the White pieces match each other – The White Layer is solve. We start by choosing a Bottom White Corner, an Anchor Piece (White/Orange/Green in our example) and build the Bottom Layer from that Anchor Corner.

Next we solve the Last Layer, the Top Layer in 2 steps.  

First we get all the Yellows facing up on the Top Layer (OLL). Then we orient them correctly (PLL) , fixing the sides of the Top Layer by shuffling the Corners which solves the entire Cube.

Orient Last Layer (OLL) / Permute Last Layer (PLL)

Terminology and Notation

Before we begin we need to learn some terminology and notation.


Each of the six sides has a name.
Whichever side is facing you is the Front with all other sides relative to it. From here we have the Right,Left,  Back.
The Top is called Up and the Bottom Down.

A CW and CCW turn is always as if facing the side being turned.
A CCW turn is called Prime or Inverted and is represented with an apostrophe  ( ‘ ) or an ( i ) for inverted.
2 means turn that side twice so R2 would be 2 turns whether it be CW or CCW it doesn’t matter it’s a 180deg turn.

Notation of Turns

R     = clockwise turn of the Right side.
R’    = counterclockwise turn.
L     = clockwise turn of the Left side.
L’    = counterclockwise turn.
U     = clockwise turn of the Up or Top side.
U’   = counterclockwise turn.
D     = clockwise turn of the Down or Bottom side.
D’   = counter clockwise turn.
B     = clockwise turn of the Back side while facing it.

Axis Rotations  

Now we have Axis rotations of the entire cube.

An x rotation means you turn the cube so that the bottom is now the Front and facing you. 

An x’ rotation turns the Top towards you and it now becomes the Front.

A y rotation turns the Right side towards you and it now becomes the Front.

A y’ rotation turns the Left side towards you and it now becomes the Front.

Don’t get too hung up on this notation though as much of what we will do is visual and intuitive.

To solve the Cube we have to pick a color to make the Bottom. Beginners should always use the same color for simplicity and familiarity.

We will use White as the bottom, which makes Yellow the top.

Now to solve the cube:


We need to build the First Layer with the White pieces.  Because we don’t have Centers to determine the color of a side, as a beginner we will just start by finding the White/Orange/Green Corner, let the White be the Bottom and build the layer from there.

White/Orange/Green Anchor Piece

Now we need to find the White/Orange or White/Green and place it right above its intended location and insert with the Slap the White Sticker Method – R U R’ if White Sticker is facing the Right or L U’ L’ if White Sticker facing the Left side. Click here for Slap Method video.

Build the Bottom Layer from the W/O/G Anchor Piece


Now for the Last Layer, the Top Layer, we will learn tricks to flip and orient the pieces the way we want.  To do this we will learn two simple sequences called Algorithms.  The more you know, the faster you will be able to solve the Cube, but to start with we are only going to use two algorithms to solve the cube as a beginner. 

1. Orient Last Layer OLL  

Now, we must orient all the Corner pieces so that the Yellow sticker is on Top. (Show Demo)  This is called Orient Last Layer, OLL.

There are only 7 possible arrangements or patterns of the Yellow stickers, each with its own Algorithm to get all the Yellows on Top, facing up.

7 Possible OLL Patterns

We are only going to learn 1 algorithm though forward and backward.

– Fish Patterns 

First we start with the Fish patterns, which get their name because someone thought this looked like a fish, I don’t see it. 

Fish Algorithms Sune
Little Fish / Big Fish

Notice that, although these 2 patterns look the same from the Top, they are different because of the way the Yellow stickers are oriented on the sides. To solve Little Fish we hold the Cube so that the Yellow Top Corner sticker is on the Front Left Top with a Yellow facing us on the Right Front side and perform the Little Fish Algorithm (R U R’ U R U2 R’) which flips the pieces in a way that puts all the Yellows on Top. 

If there’s no sticker right here facing you then you have Big Fish and you have to hold it like this.  So for example these 2 look the same but they are different.  (Show cubes and pip)

To solve Big Fishwe place the Yellow Top Corner sticker at the Back Right with a Yellow facing us Left Front side and perform the inverse of the Little Fish Algorithm (R U’2 R’ U’ R U’ R’).  

Once you know an Algorithm well, it becomes intuitive to perform it Forward & backward without much thought or effort.

One quick practice trick is, if you have this Yellow Top solved and you perform the Little Fish algorithm, it actually makes Big Fish so you just do the inverse to solve it.  If you do the Big Fish algorithm it makes Little Fish.  So that’s a quick easy way to practice.Performing the Algorithms forward then reverse is a great way to learn the muscle memory. 

Now we look at two patterns with no Yellows on Top.

The first, which we call “Double Fish”, has 2 Yellows on the Left side and 2 on the Right side.

2x2 Rubik's Cube OLL Double Fish / No Fish
Double Fish / No Fish

The second which we call “No Fish”, has 2 Yellows on the Left side, 1 on the Front Right, and 1 on the Back Right.

To solve Double Fish,place the yellow Corners on the Left and Right sides and perform the Little Fish Algorithm twice hence the name Double Fish (R U R’ U R U2 R’) (R U R’ U R U2 R’) 

To Solve No Fish, place the 2 Yellow Corners that are on the same side to the Left.  Later in the video we will explain and learn an easier alg but for now we will perform Little Fish algorithm, which will give us the little Fish pattern.  Turn the top to the proper position and perform the Little Fish algorithm again. 

Rubik's cube 2x2 OLL Intermediate Method
Other OLLs

So if we get one of the 3 OLL patterns that we haven’t gone over, just perform the Little Fish algorithm 1 or more times until we get one of the Fish patterns we are familiar with: Little Fish, Big Fish, Double Fish or No Fish. (Bug eyes)This one just became …BF, (Cham bro)this just became  DF… (Cham)sometimes when you perform LF you still don’t have one you know, just do it again, Here we have Chameleon, perform Little Fish alg, now we have Chameleon again just oriented differently, Little Fish again, now this one just became No Fish, perform Little Fish one more time, now we have Little Fish.  Don’t worry about the inefficiency of all that because it won’t happen that often and when it does its just good practice for learning the Little Fish algorithm anyway. Remember we will learn more efficient methods later in the video. 

2. Permutate Last Layer PLL

Now we have our first Layer complete and all the Yellows on Top.  We just need to position and shuffle the Top correctly to match the Bottom Layer which will solve the entire Cube. 

A quick and simple shortcut is to find a side that has 2 Corners the same Color forming a BAR.

Place these to the Back and perform an Axis rotation (x) then the algorithm  (R’ U R’ D2 R U’ R’ D2 R2 x’) at this point all your corners will be fixed, just rotate the top to match up the colors

Ok so one more time a little quicker, find 2 corners the same, you can line them up with the correct color or not (show Orange corners moved to Orange then to Green side for the “or not”),it doesn’t matter (solve orange corners on Green side to the back) Now they are all fixed, so If I want to practice it, just do the algorithm again (do it), find the 2 put em to the back, so you can either turn the whole Cube or… just flick them to the back, then solve it.

If no side has a BAR or 2 Corners with the same Color, just perform the Algorithm once,  then one side will have 2 matching Corners, move them to the Back, then repeat the Algorithm.  

Now, turn the Top to line up the 2 layersNow this algorithm looks and sounds more difficult than it really is but it becomes muscle memory plus we are combining several turns into one Step. For example (R’U R’)that’s one Step even though that’s 1, 2, 3 distinct moves.  So 12 turns becomes 5 Steps. 


Yellow Cross                       F R U R’ U’ F’

Little Fish                            R U R’ U R U2 R’

Big Fish (LF Backwards)      R U’2 R’ U’ R U’ R’

Double Fish (LF x2)             R U R’ U R U2 R’ Twice

No Fish                               (f  R U R’ U’ f’)(F R U R’ U’ F’)

Last layer Corners                x R’ U R’ D2 R U’ R’ D2 R2 x’

Insert First Layer Corner

White sticker on Right:  R U R’ 

White sticker on Left:  L’ U’ L

(Slap the white side)


Dog Solves Rubik's Cube
Sadie Dog with a Rubik’s Cube and Klein bottle
Dog Rubik's Cube Klein Bottle
Dog with Klein Watches Rubik’s Cube solved in 48 seconds







Rubik’s Cube & Puzzle Tutorial Youtube Playlist


Help Support Future Tutorials

The cubes used in this video were all purchased in full by me, no sponsored products so consider using the links to help support this channel. While you pay the same price I will receive a small commission from the sale of any product purchased through one of my Affiliate Links, Amazon banner ad or my Amazon Store:

Future Tutorials

3×3 Intermediate Method.
– Advanced White Cross,
– F2L, – All 2 Look OLL PLL.

2×2 Intermediate Method.
– Full 2 Look OLL PLL.

2×2 Advanced Ortega Method made Simple.

Pyraminx Beginner & Intermediate Methods.

Megaminx Beginner Method
  * I have a super easy method for the Megaminx with only 2 easy algorithms, one of which we learned on 3×3 (F R U R’ U’ F’)

Which Tutorial would you like next? Let me know in the comments of any of the Youtube videos or a comment on this post

In this Easy Rubik’s Cube Solving for Kids video Tutorial and step by step Rubik’s instruction we saw a simple easy to follow Kids Guide to Solving the Rubik’s Cube.  This is a How to Solve Rubik’s Cube Easy for Kids Tutorial or Rubik’s Cube for Beginners Guide that anyone can use to solve the cube as a brain exercise for children.  We learned How to the Solve Rubik’s Cube with Pictures to follow along with step by step instructions and the How to Solve Rubik’s Cube Video tutorial to see how to solve the speed cube along with Rubik’s Algorithm PDF Downloads.  Anyone can solve the Rubik’s Cube which means you can solve the rubix cube with this Rubiks step by step tutorial.

See our Latest Tutorials

Easiest Megaminx Last Layer Tutorial

Rubik’s Puzzle Tutorial Videos:
Learn How to Fail Properly:
Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Intermediate Method:
Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Ortega Method:
Rubik’s Cube 3×3 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s Cube 3×3 Intermediate Method:
Rubik’s Cube 3×3 Intuitive F2L:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s cube 4×4 L2C:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 L2E:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 OLL Parity:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 PLL Parity:
Rubik’s Cube 5×5 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s cube 5×5 L2C:
Rubik’s Cube 5×5 L2E:
Rubik’s Cube 5×5 Parity:
Pyraminx Beginner Method:
Pyraminx Intermediate Method:
Skewb Beginner Method:
Megaminx Beginner Method:
Megaminx Intermediat Method:
Megaminx LL Beginner Method:
Megaminx LL Intermediate Method:

You can help support the creation of content, tutorials & projects with a small donation via Paypal and/or by using affiliate links on Shop Pages. Also subscribing to my YouTube Channel helps a ton!
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  1. WPKevinG on October 5, 2019 at 1:42 pm

    3×3 Cube Easy Beginner Method Tutorial:
    2×2 Cube Easy Beginner Method Tutorial:
    2×2 Cube Intermediate Method Tutorial:

    Currently working on Megaminx Easiest Beginner Method

  2. Kayleigh Smith on February 3, 2020 at 11:52 am

    Thanks for the video! Trying to teach myself and then plan to teach my four year old. Have you created the PDFs yet?

    • WPKevinG on February 19, 2020 at 11:09 pm

      That’s awesome! I haven’t made the PDF yet, I actually forgot about them. I will get to work on them soon but in mean time see the 3×3 pdf since we use the same OLLs for Little Fish, Big Fish etc.

      Also check out our latest video we are running a free giveaway on: Megaminx Last Layer Tutorial:

      The Megaminx Giveaway will be USA only due to shipping cost (until I can get a manufacturer to donate with a coupon code) because currently I purchase the giveaways and pay shipping.

      If interested you have a good chance at winning though because people don’t read instructions well and I don’t advertise the giveaway well so few participate.

      First two people to comment identifying and time stamping an 80s video game reference or an MMA (mixed martial arts) reference in the video will win a Megaminx.
      Only one per person so it has to be two separate winner , not the same person to get both references.

    • WPKevinG on February 28, 2020 at 8:55 pm

      FYI I am doing a free Giveaway for a $55.99 Gan Megaminx.
      Details on the Meg Tutorial:

  3. WPKevinG on February 28, 2020 at 8:55 pm

    FYI I am doing a free Giveaway for a $55.99 Gan Megaminx.
    Details on the Meg Tutorial:

  4. Flip Jager on October 25, 2020 at 9:28 am

    Great tutorial, and a lot of respect for your 3 year old daughter. I found it in the beginning a big struggle to solve the 3×3 and I watched the video over and over again.
    I bought me a 2×2 as well and it looks a lot easier then it is. I also bought my 2 children both a 2×2 and 3×3. They have a contest who can solve the cube the fastest.

    Thank you for your great explanation and the effort that you have made for the video and website.

    Best regards,

    F. Jager

    • Kevin Gittemeier on January 17, 2021 at 7:58 pm

      Late reply but thank you.
      If they get good at the 2×2 and 3×3 try Megaminx next. It’s much easier than it looks just using simple 3×3 principles.

  5. Bill P. on January 16, 2021 at 11:25 pm

    This is awesome, thanks for sharing this method! I’ve always wanted to learn to solve the cube and your technique is great! Gonna make sure to learn the 2×2 really well before I tackle the 3×3. Just one thing: after we solve the yellow side, sometimes there isn’t a bar of the same color to put towards the back in order for the last algorithm to work. What do we do then? I’m sitting here with the cube almost completely solved except for two corners opposite each other…

    • Kevin Gittemeier on January 17, 2021 at 7:55 pm

      That is explained at 22:20
      Just do the same algorithm then you will have to matching corners forming a bar.
      Put those to the back and perform the algorithm again which solves all the corners.

      I teach another method in the 2×2 Intermediate Method Tutorial: but I recommend becoming proficient at this beginner method first.

      In some ways the 3×3 is easier so I generally recommend people learn it first.

      Let me know if that helps.

  6. Dave on September 23, 2021 at 11:58 am

    Kevin, just a quick note to say thanks for all of this. I really appreciate you sharing this with everyone. I’ve used it to demonstrate the techniques to my boys (6 and 4). It’s fantastic instruction on many levels as it demonstrates how to break a complex problem down into steps, how to follow an algorithm, and how to recognize patterns. I really appreciate what you’ve done.

    I will admit it took me several viewings and lots of practice to start to understand what you do so smoothly. I remember playing with cubes as a child and never really catching on to the steps needed. The slap method in particular I found confusing for some time, I didn’t quite get it but I understood what needed to be done and how to move the corner with 3 steps, just couldn’t quite see what was happening. Then it just clicked what you meant and now I get it. I don’t know how you could explain it any better, it just sort of takes some practice for some of us.

    One thing which I think could be expanded on, rotating a corner which is in the right spot but has the wrong orientation, Learning how to chase the rabbit properly (I sure got confused with that a bunch as well) has helped me figure that one out to where I’m no longer guessing and hoping. Particularly when the white is facing up on the yellow side, a few quick moves and you can get it in the right spot.

    It is interesting how playing with the cube feels like it’s using parts of the brain which aren’t often needed during normal day to day adult life. It’s somehow soothing once the basic methods are reasonably well understood.

    Last, I did try to purchase some of the cubes from links but they seemed OOS, I know Amazon is a fickle friend, perhaps there is some way we can support you directly?

    • Kevin Gittemeier on September 24, 2021 at 12:15 pm

      Thanks, I’m glad it helped.
      That was my first tutorial and we really hadn’t cubed in about 11 years so it could certainly be better.

      My goal was to get the tutorial below 30 minutes and I cut out some scenes I should not have.

      When filming the special rabbit I had an even number of examples from the left and right side but when editing I got a disproportionate number from the right side so it was a little confusing to people.

      If you look at the video description and my pinned comment, it has a specific explanation with timestamps.

      You can help support by visiting my website and youtube channel:
      Comments on both the website and YouTube are helpful with search algorithms and also of course purchases from affiliate links help.

      Payout for affiliate links, especially Amazon is really low but the one good thing is if you go through one of my links I’ll get credit for any purchase you make even if it’s not the product linked. Most of the products ordered are not actually even the ones that I link.

      I have a general shop page and then specific shop pages for each category on my website

      Also YouTube started a new feature called super thanks which allows a comment to be highlighted in some fashion and brought to top if they donate some money. I’m not real familiar with it yet.

      Thanks and good luck

      Also check out 3×3/2×2 intermediate method, you may find it helpful:

  7. Carmen on December 24, 2022 at 6:04 pm

    It’s a good tutorial, it took me some time to understand, but that’s probably because I’m Dutch, now, 10 mental breakdowns later, I can solve it :’)

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