Video Editing Workstation Build


Page 1:  Overview & History, Desk Build, Cabinets
Page 2:  MacBook Pro Accessories & Upgrades, Laptop Stands
Page 3:  Cable Management, LED Light Bars
Page 4:  Conclusion, Full Product & Material List

In Conclusion, what started out as just replacing a laptop quickly spiraled out of control into this Video Editing, Filming & Productivity Setup with Media Storage and Backup. I spent much more time than I anticipated and I came in over budget even with the contributions, but I am very pleased with the outcome.

What I Would Like to Add

  • NAS/DAS 4-Bay Storage Drive Enclosure
  • Dual Monitor Mount
  • Studio Monitor Speakers

Although I am pleased with the value and performance of my WD 12TB RAID Storage Drive and it should provide me with adequate storage for the next several years, ultimately I would like to get a 4 bay NAS/DAS Storage. I primarily want DAS (Direct Attached Storage) capability so that multiple computers can connect directly. NAS (Network Attached Storage) could be beneficial in some situations but is not a primary concern of mine.

I am considering a QNAP (TS-453BT3) 4-Bay Thunderbolt 3 NAS/DAS: . I will do more research on multiple bay NAS/DAS drive enclosures when I get closer to needing to make a purchase.

I need a good set of Studio Monitor Speakers (desktop reference monitors) but for a reasonable price. I’d like to be able to use them with both MacBooks so I think I want bluetooth but will need to do some research.

My LG 4K monitor has speakers which sound surprisingly good but the LG QHD monitor doesn’t have speakers and I am using inexpensive Creative Pebble USB power speakers.

I would really like to free up some more desktop space and clean up the setup by removing the monitor stands and utilizing a Dual Monitor Mount.

What I Would Do Different

  • Larger Table Top
  • Desktop Computer vs Laptop

If I had it to do over again I would make the table top 2-4 inches deeper to allow for more space to use the table top for YouTube videos. I only cut it down to 29″ to allow for the 10″ shelf but considering I am no longer using the shelf I wish I had left the Butcher Block Top 33″ deep.

I would also finish the desk with Satin Water Based Polycrylic rather than Satin Water Based Polyurethane. Polycrylic requires less coats and brings out the color and wood grain just a little while water based polyurethane does not (oil based does though).

This project grew from simply replacing a laptop into building a full Video Editing Setup with RAID Drive Storage. Considering that I was able to upgrade my MacBook 2012 and now it’s in good working order for a portable laptop, I now think a desktop may have been a better option for my editing machine. I don’t really transport my MacBook 16″ editing machine or do any editing on the go or remotely. When I need a laptop on the go, I use the MBP 2012.

I don’t regret purchasing the MBP 16″ and I may come to use it on the go but if I had it to do over I would probably get a desktop for my editing machine.

Full Product, Material & Tool List

Just about everything in this setup is listed below.
Some of the links below are affiliate links in which I receive a small commission while you pay the same price.

Use the Coupon Code KTFG for a discount at participating stores.
Businesses interested in participating can contact me at
Info @ Kevin Gittemeier . com

Again, thanks to the following companies for contributing to this project:

New Hard Drives & SSDs

Old Back Up Hard Drives

  • Seagate 4GB External Hard Drive (Mac OS J):
  • Toshiba 2TB External Hard Drive:
  • Toshiba 1TB External Hard Drive:
  • WD My Passport Ultra 1TB External Hard Drive:
  • WD My Passport 500GB External Hard Drive (NTSF):
  • WD My Passport 300GB External Hard Drive (FAT32):
  • Western Digital 500GB External Hard Drive:
  • Seagate 500GB External Hard Drive:

2019 MacBook 16″ & Accessories

2012 MacBook Pro 13″ & Accessories

Standing Desk & Accessories

Standing Desk Build Material

Standing Desk Build Tools

Laptop Stand/Cooler Tools & Material

Cable Management


Rubik’s Cubes & Puzzles

Use coupon code KTFG for a discount at Speed Cube Shop

  • GAN 2×2 Rubik’s Cube:
  • GAN 3×3 Rubik’s Cube:
  • GAN Megaminx:

Use coupon code KTFG for 10% off at totalElement.

1/4 x 1/4 x 1/32 Inch Neodymium Rare Earth Block Magnets N52 (200 Pack):

1/2 x 1/4 x 1/32 Inch Neodymium Rare Earth Block Magnets N52 (100 Pack):

1/2 x 1/2 x 1/16 Inch Neodymium Rare Earth Block Magnets N52 (40 Pack):

3/8 x 1/32 Inch Neodymium Rare Earth Disc Magnets N52 (100 Pack):

Standing Desk ScreenBar LED Monitor Light

Youtube links

Electronics Tear Down Playlist:

Em solves 3×3:

Sadie, Crazy Dog:

Computer Cable Playlist:

Rubik’s Tutorials:

Electronics Bench Playlist:

Computer Monitor Playlist:

Laptop Shelf:

LED Strip Temp & Current:

LED on Bedf rame short:

LED bed frame install:

LED Music Controller:

Magnetic Laptop Shelf
Magnetic Folding Shelf

If any questions about this setup, ask in the Post Comment Section and not by email.
That way the answer can help others as well.

If you would like any particular section explained deeper with photos and video, let me know and I may make a separate post.

Pyraminx Sponsor

totalElement is my magnet supplier and their magnets can be seen in many of my builds and science projects. totalElement offers great prices, fast shipping and excellent customers service.
Get 10% off using my code KTFG at checkout!

  • Most commonly requested magnets:
  • 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/16 Block Magnet: buy here
  • 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/32 Block Magnet: buy here
  • Strong HD Magnetic Push Pins: buy here
  • Magnetic Swivel Hook HD 55lbs: buy here
  • Mounting Magnets Page: shop here
  • Magnet Sale Page: shop here

For business inquiries I can be reached at ( info @ Kevin Gittemeier . com )

Some links provided are affiliate in which I receive a small commission.
This helps support my channel & website.
Use Coupon Code KTFG for a discount at participating stores

You can help support the creation of content, tutorials & projects with a small donation via Paypal and/or by using affiliate links on Shop Pages. Also subscribing to my YouTube Channel helps a ton!
Thanks for your support!

Page 1:  Overview & History, Desk Build, Cabinets
Page 2:  MacBook Pro Accessories & Upgrades, Laptop Stands
Page 3:  Cable Management, LED Light Bars
Page 4:  Conclusion, Full Product & Material List

Pages: 1 2 3 4


  1. Mike Moreau on December 8, 2020 at 7:21 am

    Kevin, nice work! Similar circumstances here. I am using an adjustable desk on top of an old Kitchen table right now and it works but I need something more robust. I have gone full circle starting with a bench such as this and then going down the rabbit hole of motorized standing desks. I back to the rigid table set up as I stand most of the day and use a stool when I am not sitting. I have one question I am trying to find the answer to before I pull the trigger. The Gladiator says tabletop height is just over 41″ . I need closer to 43″. I know there is some adjustment in the feet but I am concerned it is either not enough to reach the 43″ or that stability may become the problem. Do you have any thoughts on this? As cool as the double top looks on your setup I would prefer not to go that route as I don’t have a woodshop. Thanks for the detailed post. Any helpyou could provide would be appreciated. Thanks

    • Kevin Gittemeier on December 8, 2020 at 9:39 am

      I don’t think there will be 2 full inches of adjustability in the leg pads but stability will not be a problem on a solid surface to max out the adjustability.

      41” is just a little too low and this Gladiator really is overkill for a computer desk but I had to make a decision so I just pulled the trigger and didn’t look back.

      If you can find something rock solid and unobtrusive to put under the legs to raise it 1-2 inches, then maybe still consider it because I don’t think stability will be an issue.

      Good luck and let me know what you end up using and if you like it.

  2. Mike Moreau on December 12, 2020 at 11:26 pm

    Thanks for the reply. I pulled the trigger. Went with 96″. Hopefully, it is as stable as the 72″ I’ll experiment with height and I will circle back and let you know how it goes. Another question I had was about the magnets on the back of the cable clips. Just a small earth magnet and some hot glue or something more than that?

    • Kevin Gittemeier on December 15, 2020 at 11:14 am

      Sorry for the late reply, I did not get a notification.

      I used 3M industrial double-sided tape so I could easily remove later but hot glue is a good option.

      The magnetic fields can interfere with some devices (I had to remove them off of power supply to stop a buzzing noise).

      So I recommend using weaker thin 1/16” or even 1/32” thick 1/4” x 1/4” or 1/2” x 1/2” magnets and alternating the poles grouping two or four together. That shunts the magnetic fields and makes it attract stronger to the metal.

      See my post about diy magnetic laptop stands to get idea about the alternating magnet poles and also links to magnets:

      Also I found they do sell risers specifically to lift furniture.
      Search furniture riser or heavy duty bed lifts.

      In hindsight I could use the extra space of a 96 inch so let me know how it works out.

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