Portable DIY Magnetic Laptop Shelf for Elevator Industry (IUEC)

This DIY Portable Magnetic Laptop Shelf (Laptop Work Station) was designed to be light and compact for easy transport for field use in the elevator industry (IUEC).

If you don’t want to build your own inexpensive magnetic laptop shelf check out these products from my amazon affiliate links:
Utilishelf Magnetic Utility Shelf from Amazon click here https://amzn.to/2tIoXWk

Magbench Workstation Utility from Amazon click here https://amzn.to/2lH4GvZ
Note I get a commission if a purchase is made from an amazon affiliate link.

How to build a laptop shelf: How To Build a Magnetic Laptop Shelf



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This is one of three designs I plan to build. This was the simplest, fastest and least expensive to build but my least favorite design. How To Build a Magnetic Laptop Shelf Simple & Inexpensive:

The holes were cut only to lighten the weight. The laptop with cables just barely fit on the shelf and 1” deeper and wider would be better. Note holes on right side for screwdrivers etc.

DIY Laptop Shelf Materials List: Paracord, Cutting Boards, Hard Drive Magnets, Piano Hinge, Silicon Glue, *Cup magnets would be a better alternative than hard drive magnets and easier to mount but I have an excess of hard drive magnets and this is just the first prototype. The final version will have cup magnets.

Tools List: Drill, Drill Bits, Hole Saw, Dremel Circular Saw with plastic cutting blade. Only tools necessary are the drill and drill bits. The rest are optional to lighten the weight.

Simple Inexpensive DIY Prototype Portable Magnetic Laptop Computer Shelf (V1R1). Compact Portable Laptop Shelf

Also see the following: Magbench, Mag Bench or another brand called UtiliShelf Magnetic Work Bench and Portable Magnetic Work Station for when in need of a Magnetic Portable Test Equipment or Laptop Shelf or Portable Shelf and Accessories for Field Workers.

Also check out these laptop shelves averrable for purchase:


Utilishelf Magnetic Utility Shelf from Amazon click here https://amzn.to/2tIoXWk


UtiliShelf in the Field
UtiliShelf works for every industry that demands workers be sent out into the field to work. From electric metering to oil rigs  and beyond  here are some of the ways our customers are using UtiliShelf,
Portable Desk & Writing Station, Because when you’re in the field, you don’t have a desk to write on.
Portable Magnetic Tool & Testing Station, UtiliShelf can hold up to 15 pounds of tools and testing equipment, while being light enough to grab and go for transport.
Portable Computer Workstation,  Sometimes you just need a computer in the field and UtiliShelf provides a great, productive space for a laptop.



Magbench Workstation Utility from Amazon click here https://amzn.to/2lH4GvZ

MagBench Workstation:

MagBench Standard (MBS)

The MagBench Standard folding shelf is designed for laptop computers and for use with applications that require extra space for tools and test instruments etc.  Built with Gray Marine board and Stainless Steel hardware, it can handle those tough tasks in all-weather conditions and more.  The Standard version folding shelf is also incredibly strong and it can support up to 50 lbs.  The MagBench Standard Workstation can be installed on any steel surface in seconds with just two simple steps by placing the MagBench Workstation against the steel surface and fold down the front panel of folding shelf.

MagBench Utility (MBU)

The new MagBench Utility version is now designed with two large holes for drills, tools, wrenches and large tools and six smaller holes to hold screw drivers and other hand tools and more  There is also a recessed area in the center to retain screws fittings and other hardware.
The MagBench Utility Workstation can be installed on any steel surface in seconds with just two simple steps by placing the MagBench Workstation against the steel surface and fold down the front panel.  It’s that easy


New Improved
Magnetic Laptop Shelf


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