How To Solve a Pyraminx: Beginner & Intermediate Methods
In this Pyraminx Solution Guide with Pyraminx Video Tutorials, we Learn how to Solve the Pyraminx in 3 Steps with an easy Beginner Method then Intermediate Method. This is a full comprehensive Step by Step guide to learn to solve the Pyraminx.
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Page 1: Pyraminx Beginner & Intermediate Methods
Page 2: PSA on Learning, Practice & Understanding
Page 3: Rubik’s Puzzle Tutorial Videos
How best to learn from my Puzzle Tutorial Videos:
It’s best to just attempt to solve the puzzle on your own for a few minutes first before watching the Tutorial. This will help you gain familiarity with what you are about to learn.
Each Step in the Rubik’s Puzzle Tutorial is broken down into Stages:
– Overview:
– Solve:
– Troubleshooting:
– Practice Strategies:
For each Step first watch the Overview, Solve and Troubleshooting Stages. Then when directed to, practice with the Practice Strategies shown.
There are millions of possible combinations, don’t try to match and follow my every turn. Lean & Understand how to Solve it on your own.
See detailed Learning & Practice instructions on next Page.
How to Solve a Pyraminx Puzzle Step by Step Beginner Method Video Tutorial (Full)
Once proficient at solving the Pyraminx with Beginner Method, you can learn all 5 Pyraminx Last Layer Algorithms taught in Pyraminx Intermediate Method Tutorial.
Intermediate Method Pyraminx Tutorial with all 5 Last Layer Cases & Algorithms (Full)
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Boat Bike & Beyond:
Raul Ramos
Joseph P Telle Sr.
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Understanding the Pyraminx
First we need to understand that the Pyraminx has 4 sides of different colors determined by 3 matching Center Pieces on each Side. For the most part the colors are standardized and will match from Pyraminx to Pyraminx (but not always) with Yellow on Bottom going clockwise we have Blue, Green, Red – BoGeR. video
Yellow Facing Down, going clockwise
Blue Green Red – BoGeR
Here we have the Centers & Core of a disassembled Pyraminx along with the Edge Pieces. The Center pieces have 3 Colors and can only rotate with the Edge pieces have 2 Colors and can be moved into different positions. So the trick is to align to match all the Centers and place the Edges into position relative to the Centers. BoGeR video
Solve Pyraminx
3 Step Layer by Layer Method
Step 1: Match Tips then Centers on the Bottom Layer (Yellow for us)
Step 2: Insert the Bottom Layer Edges solving the entire Layer
Step 3: Fix Edges in the Top/Last Layer solving the entire Pyraminx
3 Step Layer by Layer Overview video
Note that I will be using Demonstration Pyraminx Cubes with stickers removed to help illustrate the pieces we are focusing on in each step.
Pyraminx Terminology & Notation
CW = Clockwise
CCW = Counter Clockwise
Prime (‘) = CCW
Uppercase Letters = Corner (Center & Tip) turns
R = Right Corner CW / R’ = Right Corner CCW
L = Left Corner CW / L’ = Left Corner CCW
U = Up (Top) Corner CW / U’ = Up (Top) Corner CCW
B = Back Corner CW / B’ = Back Corner CCW
Lowercase Letters = Tip turns (we won’t be using)
r = Right Tip CW / r’ = Right Tip CCW
l = Left Tip CW / l’ = Left Tip CCW
u = Up Tip CW / u’ = Up Tip CCW
b = Back Tip CW / b’ = Back Tip CCW
L1 = Layer 1 (Bottom Layer)
L2 = Layer 2 (Last Layer or Top Layer)
LL = Last Layer (L2 or Top Layer)
Pyraminx Beginner Method Tutorial
Video Time Stamps:
0:01 Intro
1:01 Message from Emily
1:31 3 Step Overview
2:38 Understanding the Pyraminx
4:50 Layer by Layer Method Overview
5:53 Terminology & Notation
7:21 Step 1: ATC _ Overview
8:05 Step 1: ATC _ Solve
8:31 Step 1: ATC _ Troubleshooting
9:24 Step 1: ATC_Tip
11:09 Step 1: ATC _ Practice Strategies
11:39 Step 2: L1 _ Overview
12:25 Step 2: L1 _ Solve
15:08 Step 2: L1 _ Troubleshooting
18:46 Step 2: L1 _ Practice Strategies
19:41 Step 3: LL _ Overview
22:01 Step 3: LL Cases 2 & 3 _ Explanation & Solve
23:54 Step 3: LL Cases 2 & 3 _ Troubleshooting
25:22 Step 3: LL Cases 4 & 5 _ Explanation & Solve
26:53 Step 3: LL Cases 4 & 5 _ Troubleshooting
27:31 Step 3: LL Case 1 _ Explanation & Solve
29:27 Step 3: LL Case 1 _ Troubleshooting
30:47 Step 3: LL _ Practice Strategies
32:03 Conclusion
32:47 Speed Cube Shop Giveaway Details
33:25 Special Thanks to…
Step 1: ATC – Align Tips & Centers
- First we align all the Tips to Match the Centers.
- Next we match the 3 Yellow Centers on once side for our Bottom.
- 7:21 Step 1: ATC
In the photos below the Tips are aligned with the Yellow Centers and all 3 Yellow Centers and turned facing the same side to form our Yellow Bottom.
Although it’s not necessary, to help get familiar with the Pyraminx go ahead and match up the last Center (BGR) so all the Centers match on all 4 sides.
Step 2: L1 – Complete Layer 1
- Insert the 3 Yellow Edges piece into the Bottom Layer (L1) making certain in the correct position relative color adjacent to Yellow.
- 11:39 Step 2: L1
Step 3: LL – Solve Last Layer
Beginner Method
- Turn the Top LL Center to match the other Centers.
- Identify which of the 5 Cases you have 19:41 LL Cases.
- Pick an new Color as the a new Bottom and solve 22:01 .
Once you Solve the Pyraminx Bottom Layer, Layer 1, there are only five possible cases for the Pyraminx Last Layer Edges.
5 Pyraminx Last Layer Cases
Beginner Method
- Case 1: 2E (Bug Eyes) 27:31
2 Edges need to be solved - Case 2: 3E CCW 22:01
3 Edges need to be solved rotated Counter Clockwise - Case 3: 3E CW 22:01
3 Edges need to be solved rotated Clockwise - Case 4: 2F1E CCW (Winky Eye) 25:22
3 Faces 1 Edge need to be solved, Edge rotated CCW - Case 5: 2F1E CW (Winky Eye) 25:22
3 Faces 1 Edge need to be solved, Edge rotated CW
LL Case Names & Nomenclature
2E stands for 2 Edges (unsolved)
3E stands for 3 Edges (unsolved) needing to move clockwise (CW) or counter-clockwise (CCW)
2F1E stands for 2 Faces, 1 Edge (unsolved) with the unsolved Edge needing to move clockwise (CW) or counter-clockwise (CCW)
Case 4: 2F1E CCW or Winky Eye, the Eyes is on the Right.
Case 5: 2F1E CW or Winky Eye, the Eyes is on the Left.
Pyraminx LL Case 1: 2E (Bug Eyes) is the most difficult Case to solve with Pyraminx Beginner Method and is much easier with Intermediate Method.
Follow the steps precisely shown here 27:31 to solve with Beginner Method.
Intermediate Method 5:49 _ Overview & Logic Solve
Pyraminx LL Cases 2 & 3: 3E are mirrors of each other and are solved the same as each other with Pyraminx Beginner Method as demonstrated here 22:01
These are the easiest Pyraminx Cases to solve. You just pick a new Bottom and solve just as you did with the Yellow Bottom.
Intermediate Method 8:55 _ Overview & Logic Solve
Pyraminx LL Case 2: 3E CW 22:01
The 3 Edges need to rotate Counter Clockwise
Intermediate Method 10:38 _ Notation Solve
Pyraminx LL Case 3: 3E CW 22:01
The 3 Edges need to rotate Clockwise
Intermediate Method 11:08 _ Notation Solve
Pyraminx LL Cases 4 & 5: 2F1E are mirrors of each other and are solved the same as each other with Pyraminx Beginner Method as demonstrated here 25:22 .
We just put the side with 2 bad Edges down as a new Bottom and solve it.
Intermediate Method 12:23 _ Overview
Pyraminx LL Cases 4: 2F1E CCW 25:22
2 Faces need to be solve and the completely unsolved Edge needs to rotate Counter Clockwise
Intermediate Method 14:15 _ Notation Solve
Pyraminx LL Cases 5: 2F1E CW 25:22
2 Faces need to be solve and the completely unsolved Edge needs to rotate Clockwise
Intermediate Method 15:09 _ Notation Solve
Take the time to fully understand and become proficient at solving the Pyraminx with Beginner Method. Then if you want to learn a more efficient way to solve the Pyraminx and learn all 5 Pyraminx Last Layer Algorithms, see the Intermediate Method Tutorial.
Pyraminx Intermediate Method Full Comprehensive Tutorial Video
Pyraminx Last Layer Algorithms:
Case 1: 2E video
L R’ L’ R U’ R U R’
Or R’ L R L’ U L’ U’ L
Or Down Down Up Up Move Yellow then back in.
Case 2: 3E CCW video
R U R’ U R U R’
Case 3: 3E CW video
R U’ R’ U’ R U’ R’
Case 4: 2F1E CCW Winky Eye video
R’ L R L’ U’ L’ U L’
Case 5: 2F1E CW Winky Eye video
L R’ L’ R U R U’ R’
Pyraminx Intermediate Method Tutorial Video Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
1:15 Message from Emily
1:22 Last Layer 5 Cases Overview
3:17 LL Overview & Practice Strategies
5:49 Case 1: 2E (Bug Eyes) _ Overview & Logic Solve
6:57 Case 1: 2E (Bug Eyes) _ Notation Solve
7:17 Case 1: 2E (Bug Eyes) _ Troubleshooting
8:10 Case 1: 2E (Bug Eyes) _ Practice Strategies
8:55 Cases 2 & 3: 3E CCW/CW _ Overview & Logic Solve
10:38 Case 2: 3E CCW _ Notation Solve
11:08 Case 3: 3E CW_ Notation Solve
11:33 Cases 2 & 3: 3E CCW/CW _ Troubleshooting
11:58 Cases 2 & 3: 3E CCW/CW _ Practice Strategies
12:23 Cases 4 & 5: 2F1E CCW/CW _ Overview
13:14 Case 4: 2F1E CCW _ Logic Solve
14:15 Case 4: 2F1E CCW _ Notation Solve
14:29 Case 5: 2F1E CW _ Logic Solve
15:09 Case 5: 2F1E CW _ Notation Solve
15:34 Cases 4 & 5: 2F1E CCW/CW _ Troubleshooting
16:22 Cases 4 & 5: 2F1E CCW/CW _ Practice Strategies
16:59 Alternative Layer 1 Edge Insertion method
18:17 Solve Cases with Alternative Methods Logically
19:11 Conclusion
19:27 Special Thanks to…
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Rubik’s Puzzle Tutorial Videos:
Learn How to Fail Properly:
Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Intermediate Method:
Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Ortega Method:
Rubik’s Cube 3×3 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s Cube 3×3 Intermediate Method:
Rubik’s Cube 3×3 Intuitive F2L:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s cube 4×4 L2C:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 L2E:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 OLL Parity:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 PLL Parity:
Rubik’s Cube 5×5 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s cube 5×5 L2C:
Rubik’s Cube 5×5 L2E:
Rubik’s Cube 5×5 Parity:
Pyraminx Beginner Method:
Pyraminx Intermediate Method:
Skewb Beginner Method:
Megaminx Beginner Method:
Megaminx Intermediat Method:
Megaminx LL Beginner Method:
Megaminx LL Intermediate Method:
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Next Page for Learning Tips & Giveaway
Page 1: Pyraminx Beginner & Intermediate Methods
Page 2: PSA on Learning, Practice & Understanding
Page 3: Rubik’s Puzzle Tutorial Videos
Very thorough tutorial, thank you for taking the time. I’m sure it took tons of time and work to get it so detailed. Solved the pyraminx at my old age because of the lessons in your video. Hadn’t messed with a rubik’s cube in 30+ years.
Yes much more time than it would seem to make the content.
Once familiar with solving Rubik’s style puzzles it becomes much easier to learn addition puzzles.
Just have to learn some simple logical principles first.