How To Solve a Pyraminx: Beginner & Intermediate Methods
Rubik’s Cube Puzzle Tutorial Videos
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Page 1: Pyraminx Beginner & Intermediate Methods
Page 2: PSA on Learning, Practice & Understanding
Page 3: Rubik’s Puzzle Tutorial Videos
Step by Step Video Tutorials on how to Solve Rubik’s Cube Puzzles. Let me know in the comments what tutorial you would like next.
How To Solve Rubik’s Cube: So Easy A 3 Year Old Can Do It (Full Tutorial)
How To Solve 2×2 Rubik’s Cube: So Easy A 3 Year Old Can Do It (Full Tutorial)
How To Solve 2×2 Rubik’s Cube Part 2: Intermediate Method
How To Solve a Pyraminx: Beginner Method | Full Tutorial | [KTFG 392]
How to Solve a Pyraminx: Intermediate Method | Full Tutorial | [KTFG 393]
How to solve Megaminx Easy Beginner Method
How To Solve Megaminx Last Layer: So Easy a Beginner Method (Full Tutorial)
3 year old solves Rubik’s Cube: Emily Gittemeier
3 Year Old Solves Rubik’s Cube 2×2 in 15 seconds, Emily Gittemeier
Learning How To Solve a Rubik’s Cube (Emily Gittemeier)
Rubik’s Cube Race & Practice 3X3 & 2X2
Critical thinking and problem solving in adverse conditions
Rubik’s Puzzle Tutorial Videos:
Learn How to Fail Properly:
Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Intermediate Method:
Rubik’s Cube 2×2 Ortega Method:
Rubik’s Cube 3×3 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s Cube 3×3 Intermediate Method:
Rubik’s Cube 3×3 Intuitive F2L:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s cube 4×4 L2C:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 L2E:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 OLL Parity:
Rubik’s Cube 4×4 PLL Parity:
Rubik’s Cube 5×5 Beginner Method:
Rubik’s cube 5×5 L2C:
Rubik’s Cube 5×5 L2E:
Rubik’s Cube 5×5 Parity:
Pyraminx Beginner Method:
Pyraminx Intermediate Method:
Skewb Beginner Method:
Megaminx Beginner Method:
Megaminx Intermediat Method:
Megaminx LL Beginner Method:
Megaminx LL Intermediate Method:
Thanks to the following for contributing to this Pyraminx Tutorial:

Speed Cube Shop:
The Ramos Family Farm:
Boat Bike & Beyond:
Raul Ramos
Joseph P Telle Sr.
Want to support future tutorials?
Use Coupon Code KTFG for a discount at Speed Cube Shop & totalElement
Speed Cube Shop for all your puzzles and totalElement for all your magnet projects.
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Page 1: Pyraminx Beginner & Intermediate Methods
Page 2: PSA on Learning, Practice & Understanding
Page 3: Rubik’s Puzzle Tutorial Videos
Very thorough tutorial, thank you for taking the time. I’m sure it took tons of time and work to get it so detailed. Solved the pyraminx at my old age because of the lessons in your video. Hadn’t messed with a rubik’s cube in 30+ years.
Yes much more time than it would seem to make the content.
Once familiar with solving Rubik’s style puzzles it becomes much easier to learn addition puzzles.
Just have to learn some simple logical principles first.